Quality and Safety Management Systems
A management system is a set of policies, procedures and procedures used by an organization to ensure that it can perform the tasks required to achieve its objectives. These goals cover many aspects of the organization's functions (including financial success, safe operation, product quality, customer relations, legal and regulatory compliance, and employee management). For example, an environmental management system allows companies to improve their environmental performance and an occupational health and safety management system allows a company to control health and safety risks, etc.
Many parts of the management system are common to a number of objectives, but others may be more specific.
The international standard ISO 9000:2015 (Title: Quality management systems - basic principles and vocabulary) defines the term in chapter 3.5.3 as "a set of interconnected or interacting elements of an organization to establish policies and objectives and procedures to achieve these objectives ".
A simplification of the main aspects of a management system is the approach of 4 elements "Plan, Do, Check, Act". A complete management system covers every aspect of management and focuses on supporting performance management to achieve the goals. The management system needs to be constantly improved as the business evolves.
The data may include:
- Participation & Leadership Responsibility
- Identification & Compliance with Legislation & Industrial Standards
- Employee Selection, Positioning & Capacity Assurance
- Workforce participation
- Communication with stakeholders (others affected regionally by operations)
- Identification & Assessment of possible failures & other risks
- Management of documentation, files and knowledge
- Documented Procedures
- Project Monitoring, Status and Delivery
- Interface management
- Standards & Practices
- Change Management & Project Management
- Operational Preparedness & Startup
- Emergency preparedness
- Inspection and Maintenance of facilities
- Critical systems management
- Work Control, Work Permit & Work Risk Management
- Selection and Management of Contractors / Sellers
- Incident Reporting & Investigation
- Overview & Intervention of Control, Assurance and Management System
Find out about the Management System that will meet the needs of your business
- ISO 9001: Standard for quality management systems (QMS)
- ISO 14001: Standard for environmental management systems
- ISO 45001: Standard for occupational health and safety management systems
- ISO 17025: General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories